Dual Stent Retriever Technique With NeVa For First Pass Success

NeVa 5.5 x 37 mm

Prof Jose COHEN,
Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Clinical Case Report


87 YO male patient presented with a NIHSS of 24.

The patient was last time seen well 7 hours ago.

The patient had a history of congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation. He had discontinued Eliquis for 24 hours.

Imaging confirmed a massive embolus occluding the distal cervical ICA extending toward the ICA bifurcation and the MCA stem.

Prof Jose Cohen
Hadassah Medical Center
Jerusalem, ISRAEL


Dr Cohen chose to perform thrombectomy using dual stent-retriever technique with two NeVa 5.5 x 37 mm units. A balloon guide catheter was used for flow control. TICI 3 level recanalization was obtained in a single pass.


Navigation to the lesion with two microcatheters(MCs) placed at the post-bulbar ICA


Microcatheter #1 was placed at the distal M1

Microcatheter #2was placed at the cavernous LICA

Two 5.5 x 37 mm NeVa units were deployed across the M1-supraclinoid-cavernous-petrous ICA segments, leaving the proximal tail of the clot unstented


Initial flow restoration observed during the deployment

Angio showing TICI 3 recanalization after THE FIRST PASS

TICI 3 level recanalization was obtained in a single pass.

Clinical outcome

3-hour NIHSS of the patient was 7